
Triangle Strategy Throwback Review

It has been a long while since I played a decent role-playing game for Nintendo consoles. In fact, I have only witnessed certain series within the RPG genre; such as Dragon Quest and Fire Emblem. However, Triangle Strategy has brought a new light to the tactical-RPG element!

In Triangle Strategy, you play a protagonist named Serenoa; a noble next in line to become heir to the Wolffort House. You help Serenoa go through various events and make choices that will not only affect the story, but will also affect who will join him & his cause. What the cause is, however, will be an additional choice that is up to the player to decide.

In all honesty, what I really enjoyed the most were the extensive amounts of plot twists. I was in awe by how my choices throughout the playthrough would affect and twist everything about it once was in the beginning. After getting one of the five endings of Triangle Strategy, this was the first game to ever leave me asking for more; plus, it left me questioning the ending in a good way!

The second most enjoyable thing about Triangle Strategy was the characters. Like I just said, the choices in the game will affect who will join Serenoa & his cause. Not only that, but I also got to experience side stories; in which each character has some sort of backstory explaining who they were and how it led to them joining Serenoa by his side. Some of my favorite characters include Ezana, Milo, and Avlora.

Everything about this game was absolutely perfect. The story, the characters, the dialogue, the combat, and so on! I experienced the game first-hand when the demo came out a few months ago, and it was worth every minute. Better yet, I cannot really think of any flaws that I have experienced when fully playing it. I am not really surprised by that since it was developed by Square Enix; the company behind games, such as Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.

Game Rating: 10/10

Triangle Strategy (2022), Nintendo Switch

Developers: Square Enix + Artdink, Publisher: Nintendo